Nov 01, 2016

A new hair colour for a new Joicy!

 AD, Hair,

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It’s crazy how different it feels when you leave your hair in the hands of the best professionals. A little more than half a year ago I began my hair treatments, coloring and haircut with Estella Berre in Gun-Britt Coiffure and it is simply amazing to see the results of her work during this relatively short period. I remember it like it was yesterday when I walked into the saloon for the first time feeling sad about my blond/yellow colored hair, full of mistakes. Estella was so nice and made me feel comfortable from the first minute. She promised me that little by little we would fix the mistakes and make my hair beautiful and healthy. I can definitely say that she delivered even more than promised and I could not be happier with my hair. Now I can’t even imagine living without her treatments! haha

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My hair now has the color I always dreamt of and it feels incredibly soft and healthy. Today I got some new color in Gun-Britt Coiffure (Getting ready for my next advendture) and I love the result. We kept the white blond but Estella always surprises me, so today we finished the treatment by drying with brushes, which gave the hair beautiful volume and movement.

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Processed with VSCO with a5 preset

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I love how I always leave the saloon with a big smile on my face, feeling like a new Joicy, like my hair is most powerful thing I have. If you are looking for this sensation of feeling like a new person, the best place in town, full of the best professionals, is definitely Gun-Britt Coiffure.

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Gun-Britt Coiffure

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