Feb 26, 2017

Last stop: Hotel Gustave


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For my last stop in Paris I went to the cool Hotel Gustave, the hotel got this name because of Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, the engineer that participated in the construction of the Eiffel Tower. Why this name? It’s exactly what you are thinking, the hotel is located in one of the best neighbourhoods in Paris, just a 5 minute walk from the iconic Eiffel tower and Champs of Mars while a short walk leads to Trocadero and a variety of nice restaurants. I enjoyed the nearby area by meeting some friends for a fun dinner there. The hotel was so cosy and nice, I can definitely recommend experiencing this incredible hotel.

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I took this picture in my last day in Paris, a beautiful view to the Eiffel tower before saying goodbye to this awesome city. Well, when talking about Paris you never say goodbye, you only say: “See you very soon!”

Hotel Gustave

Address: 34, Rue Viala, 75015 Paris

Website: https://www.hotelgustave.com/

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