Sep 11, 2016

New series on HBO: Divorce

 AD, HBO, Series,

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It’s time for some series tips here. As you know I am a big fan of HBO series (Girls, Game of Thrones, Silicon Valley…), and if I should name some old series that I love I would definitely start with Sex and the City. Oh yeah, Team Carrie Bradshaw forever! Talking about Sarah Jessica Parker, did you know that she is starring in a new series on HBO? No? Today I will tell you a little bit about it, because HBO Nordic invited me to watch the first episodes of Divorce before the official air date. In the new series Sarah and Tomas Haden Church play a couple (Frances and Robert) that goes through a long-lasting divorce. The episodes are short, fun and easy to watch, so they were perfect for a little relaxation this weekend. Of course it’s inevitable to compare the characters (Carrie and Frances), but I can already reveal that you will definitely not see the glamourous New York girl in this series, but a more fragile person. The series premieres October 10th on HBO, and I really recommend that you try watching. I have been watching the first few episodes this weekend and I quickly got addicted. Thanks HBO Nordic for giving me a sneak peak of Divorce, I can’t wait to continue watching!


If you got curious about the series, here’s the trailer:

HBO Nordic


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